Dev Diary #11 - The End of Summer

Hello, all!

As we step into September, we step into the end of Summer here in the UK. Although I would like to think it will remain sunny here as the heat peters out, we all know it's going to be a big grey disappointment lol

This summer has been quite exciting for me; moving house, travelling around the UK and I found a new local rum bar (my favourite one closed down a while ago :c)

Anyways, I hope you've had a great summer too!

On with the game dev stuff...

New Feature - Redeem Code / Cheats

Zoomies is in that stage of development now, where I can starting thinking about adding things that are not primary to the game. Basically funny, goofy things. That's why I will be adding a cheat code feature in the next update.

This feature serves two purposes:

- Cheat codes, because everybody loves cheat codes and wacky stuff
- I can add some personalized content. One user contacted me about adding their cat to the game, and I just couldn't say no (No I won't be adding any more cats lol)

I'll post an article at some point listing the available cheats, but there are some funny ones and also some practical ones. Since there's are a lot of tracks still unfinished (and most likely will never be finished), I will add a cheat code that will unlock these tracks for you.

Redesign - Cat Selection

I have redesigned the cat selection screen. It looks much simpler and cleaner now, and supports basically all screen sizes (I hope lol). I may clean it up again before the final release but for now I'm happy with it.

That's it for this time. There's only been a few changes since the last update since I've been so busy, but we're heading towards the end of development for Zoomies now and so I'm focusing more on bug fixing and clean-up. I still have the massive task of reviving the multiplayer mode so keep your ears open for that.

See ya!

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